August 12, 2021
Is it too late to move to Japan if you are too old? (Age limit and how to immigrate to Japan are also explained in this set)

This section explains the age limit for foreigners to immigrate to Japan and the necessary procedures for immigration.
What is required for a foreigner to immigrate to Japan?
Is there an age limit for foreigners to immigrate to Japan?
If you want to immigrate in Japan but are worried about whether you are old enough to do so, read this article and take your chances.
Let’s get started!
✔︎ Talk to a professional about moving to Japan for free!
Our company supports people who want to move to Hokkaido, Japan, and we provide free consultation services.
There are many steps involved in obtaining a Japanese VISA, and it can be quite difficult.
However, our professional staff will support you from the beginning to the end!
Please feel free to contact us even if you want to move to Japan but have not decided where yet.
Click here for a free consultation.
Number of foreign residents in Japan
According to the government statistics portal site, the population of foreign residents who have migrated to Japan is currently over 2.88 million in statistics.
By age group, the statistics of the foreign migrant population show that more than 200,000 people have migrated between the ages of 45 and 50.
Next, the demographics of the population between the ages of 51 and 55 show that more than 150,000 foreigners have immigrated to the country.
Looking further up the age range, the demographics of the population between the ages of 61 and 65 also show that nearly 100,000 foreigners have immigrated to Japan.
If you look at the age range, you can see that it is possible to move to Japan even if you are old.
However, I would like you to pay attention to the permanent residence.
About Permanent Residency
Permanent residency is the equivalent of “permanent resident” in residential status, and foreigners with permanent residency are allowed to stay in Japan for an unlimited period of time.
A permanent resident is allowed to stay in Japan for an unspecified period of time.
There are no restrictions on the activities of permanent residents, so they are allowed to work in any occupation or industry.
Three Requirements for Foreigners
to Obtain Permanent Resident Status
In order for a foreigner to become a permanent resident of Japan…
“Good conduct.”
“The applicant must have assets or skills that enable him/her to earn an independent living.”
“The applicant’s permanent residence must be deemed to be in the best interest of Japan.”
The above three conditions must be met.
Good conduct
The first condition is that the applicant must be of good conduct.
The permanent residence guidebook on permanent residence prepared by the Ministry of Justice stipulates that the applicant must “abide by the laws of Japan and lead a life that is not socially reprehensible as a resident in daily life.
Criminal acts such as theft and robbery are obvious, but repeated traffic violations such as speeding and drunk driving may of course be judged as not being of good conduct.
It is important to live and obey Japanese laws.
Possess assets or skills that enable them to earn an independent living
The second condition is that the applicant must have assets or skills that enable him or her to earn an independent living.
The permanent residence guidebook states that the applicant “must not be a burden to the public in daily life and must be expected to lead a stable life in the future in view of his/her assets or skills.”
The applicant’s assets, occupation, and annual income are checked to determine whether or not he or she can expect to lead a stable life on an ongoing basis.
It is important to remember that not only the applicant’s occupation and annual income, but also the assets of the spouse and family members will be taken into consideration.
The applicant’s permanent residence must be deemed to be in the best interest of Japan
The third condition is that the applicant’s permanent residence must be deemed to be in the best interest of Japan.
In order to be recognized as being in the best interest of Japan, the applicant must meet all of the conditions set forth in the permanent residence guidebook.
Three Advantages for Foreigners
to Obtain Permanent Residency in Japan.
The main advantages of obtaining permanent residency in Japan for foreign nationals are…
“The period of stay will become indefinite and there will be no change in status of residence.”
“More options for status of residence, such as spouse.”
“You will be able to work in any occupation or industry.”
The following is an explanation of each of these three advantages.
The period of stay becomes indefinite.
Obtaining a permanent residence status has the advantage of making your period of stay indefinite and eliminating the need to go through the process of changing your status of residence.
Since each status of residence has its own set period of stay, you have to periodically renew your status to extend your period of stay.
By obtaining a permanent residence status, you can be free from the hassle of renewal procedures.
Expand options for spouse and other resident statuses.
In the case of general status of residence, family members such as spouses are not allowed to work unless they are granted permission to engage in activities other than those permitted under the status of residence previously granted.
However, with the status of “Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident” they are not restricted from working and can work freely.
Ability to work in any type of job or industry.
With a general status of residence, you may only be able to work within a certain range, or you may not be allowed to work at all.
However, if you obtain a permanent resident status, you will no longer be restricted in the type of work you can do, and you will be able to work freely.
While it is possible to immigrate to Japan even when you are old, it is important to first go through the process of obtaining other status of residence and residency, as well as fulfilling your official obligations.
Once you know how to immigrate to Japan, all you have to do is act.
Once you know how to immigrate to Japan, it is time to take action.
If you are interested in Hokkaido, please contact us from here.